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Submitted By -Truck Accident
On Tuesday March 7 2000 a foreman with Southeast Power died while driving old military truck with a 95 ft bucket attached. So far the only info I got about it was that possibly a tie-rod end broke and he lost control of the truck. It struck a transmission structure and threw him from the cab. Evidently both front tires were torn from the truck. When he landed his head hit a rock and one of the tires landed on him. A lot of us think that we cant be hurt in an accident in a large bucket truck so we fail to use seat belts. Well I am one that will start using them. Working for contractors we all get in a hurry and don't think things will happen to us so how about taking the time and remember that we all have people at home waiting for us. Safety should start when you wake up in the morning and not stop until you are safely tucked in at night. Keep up the good work and god bless. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.