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Submitted By -Blown Arrestor
Last spring while troubleshooting a blown single phase lateral fuse, I had a very close call. We had a large lightning storm go through our town that took out a lot of lateral fuses so we were scattered out in one man units. I tried the fuse once, it blew so I called the dispatcher and started patrolling the line (I left the fuse door hanging) I started down the third alley when a group of kids got my attention. They said smoke came out of an insulator. After closer inspection with my field glasses, I decided it was the arrester had shorted. I then called the dispatcher to tell him what I had and that I was going up to cut it in the clear. Because of my 20 years of experience I wore my safety glasses, rubber gloves, and F.R. shirt but, I failed to take the fuse door with me, I guess, because I thought I was the only guy in the area. I was about a foot away and to the side of the arrester when it went off. Luckily it went up and down and not sideways. My knees got weak and I went to the bottom of the bucket. They say you can't taste electricity but it left a bad taste in my mouth that day. Another employee came to give me a hand so as he was taking the door out of the cutout the tail hung in the cradle and he stuck the bottom of the door to the top of the cutout. Communication was made to everybody in the area that I was going to be on the phase. I shared the blame because he was just trying to help. Do not get in such a hurry that it may cost you your life!